
taking it all in...

It's here! It's finally heeeeere!!!

Yeah, well OK... I realize that I'm actually the only one that was waiting, but still- I want to shout it from the rooftops! 

I bought a few copies at my local Barnes&Noble and settled in with a cup of tea and croissant. 
Yes, yes, yes and yes...
Yes, I drink tea out of a big ol' ass cup. Pretty little dainty ones aren't for me. 
Yes, there is a straw in it. I drink everything with a straw. Well, except for wine. Wine doesn't need a straw.
Yes, there are TWO croissants there on the plate. 'Cause I'm celebrating, that's why!
And YES... that Halloween banner there is MINE!!!

I have 18 pages (EIGHTEEN, people!) in a beautiful magazine. I can die a happy woman.

And now back to your regular programming.



The Junque Seeker said...

Big congrats! Love your work! Now, off to find a copy of the magazine.

smokeysmom said...

OMG Terri!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You always were my very talented "little" girl. You are sooooo talented and creative! I am very proud of you:) Love, Maggie

Diana D said...

Congratulations!! That is wonderful. You deserve it, you are very talented. CHEERS!

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