
birthday fairy...

Last week I made a little birthday collage for a friend-

I keep bringing back this old image of hollyhocks- it's so bright and pretty that I just can't seem to stop using it. The little fairy looked like a birthday fairy once she had on a party hat. I think everyone would look good in this hat! Some hand-dyed seam binding, a tiny strip of sheet music and a little yellow crystal tied the whole thing together.

Plus, a little bling never hurt anyone.


Diana D said...

super cute Terri!!!

smokeysmom said...

And I LOVE it! Thank you so much sweetheart:) Hugs, Maggie

Unknown said...

Beautiful Terri....Love the colors!

Cindy said...

Terri! LOVE. so cute, and what is it about Holly Hocks? I think they are so charming and cottagie! LOve this!


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